CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Productivity slowdown and MNEs' intangibles: where is productivity measured? Webinaire de recherche
December 17, 2020

"Immigration and redistribution" - online seminar series on the Economics of Migration
December 16, 2020

Quelle sera la politique commerciale de l’administration Biden, avec quelles conséquences ?
December 15, 2020  

Immigration in OECD Countries - 10th Annual International Conference
December 7 - 8, 2020

L’Afrique de nouveau face au mur de la dette ?
December 3, 2020  

"Do refugees converge to local culture? Evidence from German regions" - online seminar series on the Economics of Migration
December 2, 2020

"Immigration, Working Conditions, and Compensating Differentials" - online seminar series on the Economics of Migration
November 25, 2020

"Temporary Migration and Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh" - online seminar series on the Economics of Migration
November 18, 2020

Les limites de l'hypermondialisation - webprésentation de l'ouvrage "Économie de la mondialisation"
November 10, 2020

"Immigration and Spatial Equilibrium: The Role of Expenditures in the Country of Origin" - online seminar series on the Economics of Migration
November 4, 2020

How Covid-19 is altering economic beliefs and perceptions - and why it matters
October 22, 2020  

"Migration from Developing Countries: Selection, Income Elasticity, and Simpson's Paradox" - online seminar series on the Economics of Migration
October 21, 2020

"Migration and cultural change" with Hillel Rapoport (CEPII, PSE) - online seminar series on the Economics of Migration
October 14, 2020

Soldes commerciaux, chaînes de valeur : quels (dés)équilibres internationaux après la crise sanitaire ?
October 13, 2020  

Le CEPII partenaire du Printemps de l'économie
October 13 - 21, 2020

Les rendez-vous de l'histoire: table ronde "Quelle (dé)mondialisation au temps du Covid-19?"
October 9, 2020

Online seminar series on The Economics of Migration "Understanding the Success of the Know Nothing Party"
October 7, 2020

Online seminar series on The Economics of Migration "Is migration drought-induced in Mali? An empirical analysis using panel data on Malian localities over the 1987-2009 period"
September 30, 2020

Online seminar series on the Economics of Migration "Those Who Stayed: Selection and Cultural Change in the Age of Mass Migration"
September 16, 2020

L'économie mondiale 2021 - conférence de présentation
September 9, 2020

Webinaire "Vers une crise de la dette des pays émergents ?"
July 9, 2020  

Online seminar series on The Economics of Migration with Ça?lar Özden (World Bank)
July 1, 2020

Online seminar series on The Economics of Migration "Immigration, Science, and Invention. Evidence from the Quota Acts" with Petra Moser (NYU Stern)
June 24, 2020

Online seminar series on The Economics of Migration "Labor Market Competition and the Assimilation of Immigrants" with Joan Llull (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
June 17, 2020

20th Doctoral Meetings in International Trade and International Finance >> CANCELLED/ANNULÉ
June 11 - 12, 2020

Online seminar series on The Economics of Migration " Information and the Acquisition of Social Network Connections: A Randomized Experiment among New U.S. Immigrants" with Dean Yang (University of Michigan)
June 10, 2020

Webinar "Chine : les conséquences économiques de la pandémie" avec Mary-Françoise Renard, Professeur, Université Clermont Auvergne, et Camille Macaire, chercheur au CEPII
June 9, 2020  

Webinar "La croissance américaine : de l'essoufflement à un quasi effondrement ?" avec Laurent Ferrara, Professeur d’économie internationale, SKEMA Business School
June 4, 2020  

Online seminar series on The Economics of Migration with Esther Arenas-Arroyo (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
June 3, 2020

Online seminar series on The Economics of Migration: Integrating Refugees: Language Training or Work-First Incentives? with Giovanni Peri (University of California, Davis)
May 27, 2020

Online seminar series on The Economics of Migration:  "Refugees and Foreign Direct Investment: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from US" with Anna Maria Mayda (Georgetown University)
May 20, 2020

Webinar du Club du CEPII | Les conséquences économiques internationales du Covid-19 : un "désastre", et après ?
May 15, 2020  

Online seminar series on The Economics of Migration: "Returns to Low-Skilled International Migration: Evidence from the Bangladesh-Malaysia Migration Lottery Program" with Mushfiq Mobarak (Yale University)
May 13, 2020

Online seminar series on The Economics of Migration: "Like an Ink Blot on Paper: Testing the Diffusion Hypothesis of Mass Migration, Italy 1876-1920" with Yannay Spitzer (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
May 6, 2020

Online seminar series on The Economics of Migration: "Immigrating into a Recession" with Andreas Steinmayr (LMU Munich)
April 29, 2020

Theories and Methods in Macroeconomics (T2M) - 24th Conference >> ANNULÉ
March 26 - 27, 2020

What is Germany doing with its external surpluses? With Moritz Schularick, Professor of economics, University of Bonn >> REPORTÉ
March 25, 2020  

Le CEPII, partenaire du Printemps de l'économie 2020 >> REPORTÉ
March 24 - 27, 2020

Seminaire de recherche "Économie des unions monétaires - Institutions et politiques" avec Hubert Kempf, professeur à l’École normale supérieure Paris Saclay>> REPORTÉ
March 20, 2020

China debt restructuring : the beginning of the end? With YAO Wei, Chief Asia & China Economist, Société Générale
February 27, 2020  

Fin du franc CFA : rupture ou façade ?
February 13, 2020  

L'économie marocaine : "bien mais doit (beaucoup) mieux faire" avec Karim El Aynaoui, Président, Policy Center for the New South, Maroc
February 7, 2020  

La BCE à la croisée des chemins : bilan et perspectives de la politique monétaire dans la zone Euro
February 6, 2020  

"The size and characteristics of the unauthorized immigrant population in Europe" with Dr. Mark Hugo Lopez, Director of Global Migration and Demography Research, Pew Research Center
January 15, 2020  

Workshop Deep FTAs
January 14 - 15, 2020

The German economic outlook: towards a recession? With Prof. Dr. Timo Wollmershäuser, Head of Business Cycle Analysis and Forecasts, ifo Center for Macroeconomics and Surveys, ?Ifo Institute
January 14, 2020