CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale

Data visualization

CEPII offers interactive data visualizations about the world economy, through its country and region profiles, in French and English versions. These interactive sheets present the characteristics of the insertion of 80 countries and 10 regions in the world economy. The data used for each illustration are available for direct download.


Profils Pays / Country Profiles
Last update: July 2023
The Country Profiles characterise the international integration of 80 countries in the form of didactic illustrations ready to use.

Profils Régions / Region Profiles
Last update: July 2023
The Region Profiles allow to characterise the international integration of the 8 major regions making up the world, as well as that of 10 integrated economic areas. The integration patterns can be compared from one region to another, in particular by distinguishing internal exchanges from those carried out with the rest of the world


For its empirical work on the world economy, CEPII develops and maintains databases, which are made available to the academic community and the public on its website. Built for analytical purposes, by gathering and harmonizing data from various sources, CEPII's databases are grouped by themes: International Trade, Gravitational Data, Indicators and Macroeconomics. Each database has its own dedicated webpage established according to a standardized presentation giving all the relevant information for their use and an associated working document to which to refer when using the database. 

International Trade

Last update: December 2016
Estimated tariff equivalents of regulatory barriers to trade in services to 117 countries in 2011.

Last update : April 2024
Bilateral trade flows for more than 5000 products and 200 countries. Value and quantity.

Last update: June 2023
CHELEM, CEPII's database on the World Economy, provides a complete and consistent representation of international trade flows, balance of payments and world revenues.

Last update: February 2024
MAcMap-HS6 (Market Access Map HS6) provides a disaggregated, exhaustive and bilateral measurement of applied tariff duties at the HS6 level. It  takes regional agreements and trade preferences exhaustively into account.

Product Level Trade Elasticities
Last update: September 2021
The "Product Level Trade Elasticities" dataset provides trade elasticities for 5,050 products of the HS6 classification, estimated over the period 2001-2016.

Trade Unit Values
Last update : May 2021
Unit value (USD / metric tonne) for bilateral commercial flows of 200 countries and more than 5000 products. CIF and FOB.

Last update: November 2016
Historical Bilateral Trade and Gravity Data set (1827-2014).


Data to estimate gravity equations: trade, GDP, population, trade agreements, etc. For all country pairs, 1948-2020.

Last update: November 2012
Language provides new series for Common Official Language (COL), Common Spoken Language (CSL), Common Native Language (CNL)  for 195 countries.

Last update: June 2024
The Trade and Production Database (TradeProd), provides data on international and domestic trade flows and trade protection. The database covers 165 countries and 9 industrial sectors over the period 1966-2020.


World Trade Flows Characterization
Last update : May 2021
Unit values reconciled at the exporter-importer-product level and caracterization of trade flows in terms of price range (high, medium or low) and type of commerce (one-way, horizontal two-way, vertical two-way).



Last update: May 2022
Projections up to 2100 of GDP and its components for all countries of the world.

Last update: 2022
EQCHANGE is a global database of annual indicators on effective exchange rates. It includes two sub-databases containing data on (i) nominal and real effective exchange rates, and (ii) equilibrium real effective exchange rates and corresponding currency misalignments for advanced, emerging and developing countries.

Institutional Profiles
Indicators on the institutional characteristics of 143 countries, starting in 2001.

RPROD developed by CEPII complements the EQCHANGE database, by providing additional measures of the Balassa-Samuelson effect.


Export Sophistication
Last update: December 2010
Export Sophistication provides export sophistication indices (EXPY)  of Chinese localities from 1997 to 2007.

Last update: June 2015
Harmonized data of FDI biliateral flows and stocks in 2004.

Bilateral geographic and cultural data for 225 countries : distances, community of border, language, colonial history, etc.

Market Potentials
Last update: June 2010
Market Potentials offers six distinct indices of proximity to world markets for more than 150 countries.

Network Trade
Last update: December 2013
This dataset explores international trade data through the lenses of Network Analysis, in order to visualize the World Trade Network and describe the topology of the network of world trade.

Last update: November 2015
The CEPII NTM-MAP (Non-Tariff Measures MAP) database contains indicators measuring the incidence of Non-Tariff Measures by using different methodologies and the UNCTAD TRAINS Database as source data.

Last update: December 2013
Two international comparisons of prices and productivity levels by manufacturing branch.
The first one takes Germany as the benchmark country (base year 2007) while the second one uses France (base year 1997).

Last update: June 2014
RCA includes new indices of Revealed Comparative Advantages (RCA) for 20 countries, 1018 products (HS4), 70 chapters (HS2) in the period 1995-2012.

Last update: December 2008
Indexes of international trade prices calculated using BACI (1996-2004).


Long Term Growth

MaGE (Macroeconometrics of the Global Economy) is a macroeconometric model of the world economy, developed to project the major economic changes of our century. All the details on its structure are provided on the page dedicated to the database it produces, the EconMap database.
Trade Policy

MIRAGE (Modelling International Relationships in Applied General Equilibrium) is a multi-region, multi-sector computable general equilibrium model, devoted to trade policy analysis.