CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale


The Trade and Production Database (TradeProd), provides data on international and domestic trade flows and trade protection. The database covers 165 countries and 9 industrial sectors over the period 1966-2020. TradeProd is intended for econometric estimation of the gravity equation and also includes a yearly balanced dataset necessary for counterfactual exercises using new quantitative trade models.

Reference document to cite: Mayer T., Santoni G. and  Vicard, V. (2023) The CEPII Trade and Production Database, CEPII Working Paper 2023- 01 , January 2023 , CEPII.

de Sousa J., Mayer, T. and Zignago, S. (2012) Market Access in Global and Regional Trade. Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol 42:6, pp 1037-1052.

Person in charge & contact: Gianluca Santoni, tradeprodcepii.fr

Licence: Etalab 2.0


TradeProd combines trade data from Comtrade, production data from UNIDO, and tariff data from WITS. TradeProd provides an easy match with the CEPII-Gravity dataset for the other gravity variables (Conte, Cotterlaz & Mayer 2022). It is based on an earlier version presented in de Sousa, Mayer & Zignago (2012). The database will be updated annually.