CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale

243 document(s) : results 221 to 240
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Immigration, unemployment and GDP in the host country: Bootstrap panel Granger causality analysis on OECD countries
CEPII Working Paper, N°2011-29, December 2011
Ekrame Boubtane, Dramane Coulibaly, Christophe Rault

Isolating the Network Effect of Immigrants on Trade
CEPII Working Paper, N°2011-26, December 2011
Mariya Aleksynska, Giovanni Peri

Occupation-Education Mismatch of Immigrant Workers in Europe: Context and Policies
CEPII Working Paper, N°2011-16, July 2011
Mariya Aleksynska, Ahmed Tritah

Can Immigration Save Our Social Protection System? 
La Lettre du CEPII, N°311, June 2011
Xavier Chojnicki, Lionel Ragot

The Economic Impact of Immigration for Aging Countries
The CEPII Newsletter, N°47, June 2011

Impacts of Immigration on Aging Welfare-State An Applied General Equilibrium Model for France
CEPII Working Paper, N°2011-13, May 2011
Xavier Chojnicki, Lionel Ragot

Impact budgétaire de l'immigration en France
Revue Economique, vol. 62(3), p.531-544, May 2011
Xavier Chojnicki

Migration and Productivity Patters in European Regions
In Overcoming the Persistence of Inequality and Poverty, palgrave macmillan, p.73-91, April 2011
Gianluca Orefice, Giorgio Barba Navaretti, Gianfranco De Simone, Angelica Salvi

Civic participation of immigrants in Europe: assimilation, origin, and destination country effects
European Journal of Political Economy, vol. 27(3), p.566–585, 2011
Mariya Aleksynska

Should the US have locked heaven’s door? Reassessing the benefits of postwar immigration
Journal of Population Economics, vol. 24(1), 2011
Xavier Chojnicki, Frédéric Docquier, Lionel Ragot

Relative Deprivation, Relative Satisfaction, and Attitudes towards Immigrants: Evidence from Ukraine
Economic Systems, vol. 35(2), p.189-207, June 2011
Mariya Aleksynska

The unemployment impact of immigration in OECD countries
European Journal of Political Economy, vol. 27(2), p.241-256, 2011
Sébastien Jean, Miguel Jimenez

L'assimilation des immigrés en Europe : un processus multidimensionnel
La Lettre du CEPII, N°305, December 2010
Mariya Aleksynska

Assimilation of Immigrants in Europe: a Multidimensional Process
La Lettre du CEPII, N°305, December 2010
Mariya Aleksynska

Economic and Cultural Assimilation and Integration of Immigration in Europe
CEPII Working Paper, N°2010-29, December 2010
Mariya Aleksynska, Yann Algan

Regular and Irregular Migration in Times of Global Economic Crisis: Perceptions and Realities
CEPII Research Report, N°2010-03, March 2010
Mariya Aleksynska

Skilled Migration and Economic Performances: evidence from OECD countries
Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistcs, vol. 4(146), 2010
Gianluca Orefice

Immigration, Income and Productivity of Host Countries: a Channel Accounting Approach
CEPII Working Paper, N°2009-23, October 2009
Mariya Aleksynska, Ahmed Tritah

Economic Implications of International Migration Flows
The CEPII Newsletter, N°42, September 2009

Macroeconomic Consequences of Global Endogenous Migration: a General Equilibrium Analysis
CEPII Working Paper, N°2009-06, April 2009
Vladimir Borgy, Xavier Chojnicki, Gilles Le Garrec, Cyrille Schwellnus

243 document(s) : results 221 to 240
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