CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Lionel Ragot

Scientific Advisor

Environment & Natural Resources


Tél. +33 (0)1 53 68 55 78


updated : June 12, 2023
Les migrants coûtent-ils cher aux finances publiques ?
Alternatives Economiques, April 9,  2018
Lionel Ragot

The fiscal Impact of 30 Years of Immigration in France: (I) an Accounting Approach
CEPII Working Paper, N°2018-04, April 2018
Xavier Chojnicki, Lionel Ragot, Ndeye-Penda Sokhna

The Effects of Immigration in Developed Countries: Insights from Recent Economic Research
CEPII Policy Brief, N°22, April 2018
Anthony EdoLionel RagotHillel Rapoport, Sulin Sardoschau & Andreas Steinmayr

Impact budgétaire de l'immigration en France. Ni un fardeau, ni une aubaine
In Carnets Graphiques, CEPII, p.106-107, April 2018
Lionel Ragot

Pollution effects on preferences: A unified approach
Journal of Public Economic Theory, Forthcoming, 2018
Lionel Ragot, Stefano Bosi, David Desmarchelier

L'immigration: une chance économique pour les pays d’installation?
RFI, December 18,  2017
Lionel Ragot

The Impact of Life Stages on Parent-Child Transfers
In A Longitudinal Approach to Family Trajectories in France, Springer, Arnaud Regnier-Loilier (Ed.), p.199-215, June 2017
Lionel Ragot, Maelan Le Goff, Julien Navaux

The Role of Fees in Foreign Education: Evidence From Italy and the United Kingdom
CEPII Working Paper, N°2017-04, March 2017
Michel Beine, Marco Delogu, Lionel Ragot

Intra-European Labor Migration in Crisis Times
CEPII Policy Brief, N°13, October 2016
Xavier Chojnicki, Anthony EdoLionel Ragot

Impacts of Immigration on Aging Welfare-State An Applied General Equilibrium Model for France
Fiscal Studies, vol. 37(2), p.258-284, June 2016
Lionel Ragot, Xavier Chojnicki

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