CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Christophe Gouel

Scientific Advisor

Trade & Globalization
Environment & Natural Resources



Tél. +33 (0)1 53 68 55 40


updated : July 17, 2024
Energie : « Suspendre le soutien aux biocarburants peut aider à compenser la flambée des prix agricoles »
Le Monde, April 12,  2022
Christophe Gouel

Love of Variety and Gains from Trade
CEPII Working Paper, N°2021-09, December 2021
Christophe GouelSébastien Jean

The Crucial Role of Domestic and International Market-Mediated Adaptation to Climate Change
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 106, p.102408, March 2021
Christophe Gouel, David Laborde

Nutrition Transition and the Structure of Global Food Demand
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 2(101), p.383-403, 2019
Christophe GouelHoussein Guimbard

La demande alimentaire mondiale en 2050
La Lettre du CEPII, N°377, May 2017
Christophe GouelHoussein Guimbard

Nutrition transition and the structure of global food demand
CEPII Working Paper, N°2017-05, March 2017
Christophe GouelHoussein Guimbard

Managing Food Price Volatility in a Large Open Country: The Case of Wheat in India
Oxford Economic Papers, vol. 68(3), p.811-835, 2016
Christophe Gouel, Madhur Gautam, Will J. Martin

Trade Policy Coordination and Food Price Volatility
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 98(4), p.1018-1037, 2016
Christophe Gouel

Estimating the Competitive Storage Model with Trending Commodity Prices
Journal of Applied Econometrics, Forthcoming, 2016
Christophe Gouel, Nicolas Legrand

Optimal food price stabilization in a small open developing country
World Bank Economic Review, vol. 29(1), p.72-101, 2015
Christophe GouelSébastien Jean

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