Le blog du CEPII

Euro area: deflation is the wrong debate

 PostMarch 6, 2014
By Natacha Valla
For a fact, measures of headline consumer price inflation have decelerated sharply over the recent past. At 0.8-1%; inflation hovers around levels that are clearly below the ECB’s flagship 2% medium-term objective.

L’industrie française produit de plus en plus de services

 PostMarch 3, 2014
By Matthieu Crozet, Emmanuel Milet
« Everybody is in services » : Theodore Levitt pointait, dès 1972, l’imbrication des activités de production de services et de biens. Une récente Lettre du CEPII permet d’en mesurer l’ampleur et fait état d’une désindustrialisation de l’économie française plus profonde qu’il n’y parait.

The French should care about Karlsruhe

 PostFebruary 12, 2014
By Natacha Valla
Strikingly, the debate about the Feb 7 ruling of the German Constitutional Court against the ECB’s flagship OMT programme has gone almost unnoticed in France. This is wrong. The French should care about it.

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