author={Gunther Capelle-Blancard and Yamina Tadjeddine },
title={The Impact of the 2007-2010 Crisis on the Geography of Finance },
type={Working Papers},
abstract={The location of financial activities is traditionally characterized by a great deal of inertia. However, the 2007-10 crisis may considerably modify the geography of finance and cause an upheaval in world hierarchy. The crisis hit the Western countries directly and the main financial centers have been massively losing jobs, especially London and New York. Moreover, in Western countries, the financial industry is on the way to lose the support implicitly provided by governments until the crisis. Indeed, while finance was considered as a first-class position in the international division of labor, the crisis has clearly shown the threats associated with an excessive growth of the financial industry (vulnerability to external shocks, rising of inequalities, etc.). Hence, even within the traditional bastions of finance it is claimed that the financial industry needs to get smaller. At the same time, stock markets in Shanghai, Hong-Kong and Bombay are upstaging them as major players.},
keywords={Financial Geography ; International Financial Centers ; Globalization ; Financial Crisis ; Subprime}