CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
La modélisation en équilibre général dynamique et stochastique des cycles économiques en Afrique Sub-Saharienne : une revue de la littérature
Revue d'Economie Politique, vol. 122(5), p.667-683, 2012
Claude Francis Naoussi, Fabien Tripier

Is price dynamics homogeneous across Eurozone countries?
Journal of Economic Integration, vol. 27(4), p.609-632, 2012
David Guerreiro, Marc Joëts, Valérie Mignon

Pegging the future West African currency in regard to internal/external competitiveness: a counterfactual analysis
Review of Development Economics, forthcoming, 2012
G. Dufrénot, K. Sugimoto

Remittances and growth in sub-saharan african countries
Journal of International Development, Forthcoming, 2012
Dramane Coulibaly, Ibrahim Ahamada

Revisiting the Trade-Migration Nexus: Evidence from New OECD data
World Development, vol. 40(5), p.928–937, 2012
Gabriel Felbermayr, Farid Toubal

Immigration, vieillissement et financement de la protection sociale
Revue Economique, Forthcoming, 2012
Xavier Chojnicki, Lionel Ragot

Is the Market Portfolio Efficient? A New Test of Mean-Variance Efficiency when All Assets Are Risky
Finance, vol. 34(1), p.7-41, 2012
Marie Brière, Bastien Drut, Valérie Mignon, Kim Oosterlinck & Ariane Szafarz

The Decision to Import Capital Goods in India: Firms' Financial Factors Matter
World Bank Economic Review, vol. 26(3), 2012
Maria Bas, Antoine Berthou

Time to Act Now? Assessing the Costs of Delaying Climate Measures and Benefits of Early Action
Climatic Change, vol. 114(1), p.79-99, 2012
Stéphanie Monjon, Michael Jakob, Gunnar Luderer, Jan Steckel & Massimo Tavoni

Testing catching-up between developping countries: growth resistance and sometimes growth tragedy
Bulletin of Economic Research, vol. 64(4), p.470-508, 2012
Gilles DufrénotValérie Mignon, Théo Naccache

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