CEPII, Recherche et Expertise sur l'economie mondiale
Corporate Debt Structure and Economic Recoveries
European Economic Review, vol. 101, p.77-100, janvier 2018
Thomas GrjebineFabien Tripier, Urszula Szczerbowicz

Impact of macro-structural reforms on the productivity growth of regions: distance to the frontier matters
Papers in Regional Science, 2018
Joaquim Oliveira Martins, Sabine D’Costa , Enrique Garcilazo

Migration and Cross-Border Financial Flows
World Bank Economic Review, vol. 1(32), p.148-162, 2018
Maurice Kugler, Oren Levintal, Hillel Rapoport

Migration, knowledge diffusion and the comparative advantage of nations
Economic Journal, vol. 128(612), 2018
Dany Bahar, Hillel Rapoport

The changing structure of immigration to the OECD: what welfare effects of member countries?
IMF Economic Review, vol. 3(66), p.564-601, 2018
Michal Burzynski , Frederic Docquier, Hillel Rapoport

Exports and labor costs: Evidence from a French Policy
Review of World Economics, vol. 3(154), p.429-454, 2018
Clément Malgouyres, Thierry Mayer

Choix professionnels et écarts de salaires entre hommes et femmes : le rôle des différences de préférences et attitudes face au travail
Population, vol. 73(1), p.35-61, 2018
Isabelle Bensidoun, Danièle Trancart

Career Choices and the Gender Pay Gap: The Role of Work Preferences and Attitudes
Population, vol. 73(1), p.35-59, 2018
Isabelle Bensidoun, Danièle Trancart

Pollution effects on preferences: A unified approach
Journal of Public Economic Theory, Forthcoming, 2018
Lionel Ragot, Stefano Bosi, David Desmarchelier

Globalization and exchange rate pass-through in Europe: Is there a link?
Journal of Economic Integration, vol. 33(4), p.773-786, 2018
Antonia Lopez-Villavicencio, Valérie Mignon

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